We’re delighted you can join us for the 7th Biennial Why Study Mammographic Density? Conference. All sessions are being livestreamed and recorded via Zoom webinar.
You can ask questions of presenters as well as other delegates via Zoom chat. There is also the opportunity to network socially via our Twitter handle #WhyMD2022
Don’t worry if you miss any of the sessions. You will receive an email after the conference with a password-protected link to the recorded sessions, which you can view at your convenience.
At any time, you can check the conference schedule for times of sessions. The conference program also provides keynote speaker biographies and research abstracts.
We also have an additional special event for online delegates to attend prior to the start of the conference. Find our more here!
Please do not share the following webinar links. We rely on revenue from ticket sales – online and in-person – to fund this non-profit conference and to make it possible. If there are any colleagues wishing to attend in-person or online at the last minute, we can organise this at lynettew@unimelb.edu.au
27th September: Tuesday sessions
Tuesday’s sessions begin at 11.00am and conclude at 8.30pm with regular breaks throughout the day (as outlined in the conference schedule).
Zoom webinar: Why Study Mammographic Density Conference 2022 – Day 1
Join on your computer or mobile app: https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/81865257794?pwd=V1JBdGxGVGNuSFZsUkVWVkJKa1JHQT09
Need to dial-in instead? Enter the webinar ID: 818 6525 7794 and Password: 920947 via +61 3 7018 2005 or +61 2 8015 6011
Or join from a H.323/SIP room system:
Dial: 81865257794@global.zoomcrc.com | or SIP: 81865257794@zmau.us | or
with webinar ID: 81865257794 and password: 920947
Help: https://unimelb.service-now.com/it
28th September: Wednesday sessions
Welcome back – Wednesday is Day 2 with sessions beginning at 9.00am and concluding at 3.30pm. The conference schedule outlines session speakers and break times throughout the day.
Zoom webinar: Why Study Mammographic Density Conference 2022 – Day 2
Join on your computer or mobile app: https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/81034862892?pwd=YWlmRmQxTEFaaVNLZHRBYTlDbkNjdz09
Need to dial-in instead? Enter the webinar ID: 810 3486 2892 and Password: 454003 via +61 3 7018 2005 or +61 2 8015 6011
Or join from a H.323/SIP room system:
Dial: 81034862892@global.zoomcrc.com | or SIP: 81034862892@zmau.us | or
with webinar ID: 81034862892 and password: 454003
Help: https://unimelb.service-now.com/it
Host and organisers
This year’s conference is hosted by the new MyBRISK Centre of Research Excellence and organised by a hardworking Organising Committee. Find out who is behind this major event here.