Below are the guidelines for submitting abstracts for the Why Study Mammographic Density International Conference 2024:
- On your cover email, please include your name, title, institute, and whether you are presenting online, in-person or TBC. If you are presenting online, please indicate your location and timezone
- Please submit your abstract as a separate word document attached to your email; use the same layout, typeface and font size as in the example below; email to
- Typeface Calibri; copy justified left; name of research paper at top of page in font size 16 point; researcher names in 11 point (name of presenter/s in bold); researcher institute/s in 10 point; body of abstract 11 point and sub-headings in 11 point/bold
- When submitting, please place in email subject line, ‘WhyStudyMD ABSTRACT SUBMISSION – Your Last Name’